We had a spectacular March, fielding endless enquiries and interests in the OPUS ORX, announced at the NEC in Feb. Check out what we’ve been up to!

Our main man in Gillingham, Terry Dallas, opened his doors to the public for the weekend showing off all the exciting products that Camping International has to offer, as well as their full fleet of OPUS campers!

Our staff working the phones take pride in relieving worries and answering queries – getting positive feedback makes us all feel very pleased with ourselves. There’s nothing like helping someone out of a jam!

It’s all the rage these days, but is the #vanlife really all it’s cracked up to be? See for yourself, try the #opuslife!

Our new Off-Grid Goliath, the OPUS ORX, has been turning plenty of heads since its announcement. Watch this super simple pack down video, and see how easy it can be.